Mans Leg Hangs Off By The Skin After A Bike Accident
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Brazilian News Is Gorier Than Most R Rated Films
Aug 9, 2011
Women Strips Off Commits Suicide Over Niagara Falls
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Young Chinese Boys Attacked Savagely Beaten By Gang
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Guy Uses A Trashcan To Give A Hoodrat A Beating She Wont Forget
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Chainsaw Thief Gets A Solid Beating In The Street - Guy Pulls A Machete Too
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Guy Beats His Girlfriend - Rips Her Tits Out During TV Show
Aug 7, 2011
Horrific Head On Crash - Truck Grinds Occupant All Over The Road
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Blonde Rejects Guys Advances With A Glass So He Attacks Her Instead
Aug 5, 2011
WTF Is This Real - Man Blows His Brains Out With A Pistol
Aug 4, 2011
Man Stabs His Mom Sister Then Himself As He Jumps From 6th Floor
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Tembak kepala sendiri dengan senapang
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Badan terbelah dua!
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bayi yang malang..
Aug 3, 2011
kemalangan ngeri : kaki sebelah tercabut..
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ada sebab mengapa kamu perlu memakai pakaian ketika bergaduh.
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Mans heart still beats on road after accident
Aug 2, 2011
Jari jahanam
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Mexican Drug Cartel Execution : Warning : GRAPHIC
Jul 29, 2011
WARNING! GRAPHIC: Girlish Chechen Islamist Killed by Russian Anti-Personnel Mine
As the number of mature islamists in Chechnya is thinning out, the few islamist fat cats left like Dokku Umarov are recruiting daydreamers from among the Chechen youth to go on with jihad against the infidels that brings these fat cats money and political dividends.
The pictures show Hayrullah Hamzatov, a girlish Chechen teen playing a warrior. This game didn't last long for him: in the course of his first "operation" against a Russian military camp he stepped on a Russian anti-personnel landmine, lost his foot and died slowly and painfully of blood loss.
One picture shows him together with some other "teen jihadist" who had some injuries in his own "operation" and it can be clearly seen that these are brain-washed kids showing off.
That's the real face of the Chechen and North Caucasian jihad of "rebels" and "freedom fighters" against Russians.
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Nahr el Bared Torture (Mods - re-uploaded individually by request as previous was technically corrup
Human Rights Watch also reported on the abuse and torture of Palestinian civilians by the Lebanese Army who were not involved with Fatah al Islam.
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Remains of a Poor Guy Who Died Alone in a Desert
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Battle of Verdun -Shell Shock
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Four men found butchered and decapitated in Guerrero, Mexico.
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Double murder caught on tape
You can see the man following his ex, a dispute starts. Then an innocent man tries to arbitrate the dispute, he is fatally shot in the head by the suspect. Finally, the suspect also executes the woman by shots to the head.
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Lunatic Pulls Out His Own Toenail
Jun 9, 2011
Aftermath of a Dude's Hand Caught in a Meat Grinder (Warning: Graphic)
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Moron Jumps into a Cactus Field
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CD crash
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Woman Beats Up Her 83 Year Old Mother Caught on Tape
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Man loses his head
Jun 8, 2011
Above Knee Amputation
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Below Knee Amputation
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Lion almost bites arm off!
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Electrician In Training (OUCH)
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machete fight
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Woman Castrating a pig
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Wipeout - aftermath
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Boys hand removed from meat grinder
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Ayad killed in front of his brother
Jun 7, 2011
Vietnamese General Shoots a Prisoner to Prove That He is Tough
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Enraged Crowd Beat Robbers to Death and Set Them on Fire
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Twelve Year Old Boy Executed
On 29 June a 12-year-old boy was publicly executed allegedly by insurgents in a district centre in Ghazni province Afghanistan. The motive for killing the boy has not yet been established.*
WARNING: Graphic Material
*That was from the original post. As I researched further there surfaced a possibility that he was executed for raping another boy. Interpret that as you will.
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Libya Protesters Brutally Killed
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Bizarre Accident Scene
Footage showing that the Grim Reaper certainly does has a sense of humour.
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Self Mutilator Makes *Graphic Video*
This is a video by posted on several sites by a girl named Katee Black. It shows a very disturbed person on many levels. Below is the description that she wrote and posted along with the video. The music came with the video.
"I've always had some sort of fixation with self-mutilation, it was never a way to "satisfy inner pain" or any of that nonsense. I filmed this in August [the original video was in high quality, but the websites I uploaded it to killed the quality] while I was drunk. I generally don't film myself doing these things, but for some reason, it seemed like a good idea after I'd had a bit of vodka.
And no, I'm not "dying", so this doesn't really count as a death video... But this seemed like a fitting site to post it".
WARNING: Very graphic.
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Shot In The Chin - Another Protester Killed In Tripoli
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Russian Skinheads Kick the Crap Out of a Guy on the Metro
Feb 25, 2011
Russian Piss Fight Interruption
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Russian Dude Falls From Building Then Climbs Up For More
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Girl's attacker 'sadistic and evil'
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Girl jumps from highrise building in China
Feb 24, 2011
Gaddafi menggunakan peluru terhadap orang-orangnya sendiri.
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Taliban release video of killing of Col Imam
Feb 23, 2011
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dilanggar lori bomba : Egypt
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budak 17 tahun dan seorang nenek dilanggar ketika melintas jalan
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magic.. fail !!
Jan 20, 2011
kemalangan di plaza Tol china... haha memandai je aku
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dirempuh kereta
Jan 1, 2011
awek dilanggar kereta
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